Working Paper submissions comprise research in progress (intermediate or early stages). These projects typically present partial results and describe ongoing work on substantive, theoretical, or methodological topics that are not necessarily ready for submission to a journal. The authors of accepted working papers will have 15 minutes to present their work. At least one author of each accepted paper must agree to register and present the research at the conference.
All submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind peer review process; reviewers will not know who authored the papers, nor will authors know the names of their reviewers.
Format and Submission Process for Working Papers:
Prepare and submit electronic documents in PDF format. Please include
- Title
- Abstract (75-100 words)
- Paper (up to 3,000 words),
- Table or Figure (these do not count against the word limit)
- References (References also do not count against the word limit)
Confirmation that your abstract was submitted successfully will be sent via email to the submitter. The abstract will be published in the proceedings.