Give back to Jackson State University?
There are many ways to give back to Jackson State University. You can give your time by participating in alumni activities as a member of the JSUNAA (Jackson State University National Alumni Association). Or you can also give financially by donating here . All gifts, whether it’s your time or money are appreciated.
Join the Jackson State University Alumni Association?
Did you know that you do not have to be a graduate of JSU to join the Alumni Association? Any person that has taken 6 hours or more is considered an alum. Or if you’ve never attended JSU, and still would like to support the university, you can still join as an associate member. Learn more about the different membership levels here.
You can connect to the Alumni Association through a local chapter or become a member at large by joining the National Association and pay online or send your check or money order to the DACR with the membership application. Download application here.
Become a member of the Pre-Alumni Council?
Download the membership application and contact the Pre-Alumni Council at to make arrangements to submit it, or drop it off at the Department of Alumni and Constituency Relations building located at 101 W. Capitol Street, Jackson, MS 39201.
Get scholarships from local alumni chapters?
You may contact the local chapters directly or apply for scholarships through the development foundation. Visit the link here to learn more.
Start a chapter?
Alumni chapters are formed in two ways: a group of Jacksonians takes the initiative, or the Department of Alumni and Constituency Relations makes the initial organizing step by encouraging a local group or professional association. In both instances, the DACR provides all the necessary administrative assistance.
In a location where at least ten Jacksonians agree to organize an alumni chapter, the Department of Alumni and Constituency Relations will:
□ Connect the group to the Regional Vice President to assist with organizing the alumni chapter.
□ Furnish the group with a list of names and addresses of all known alumni in the area or alumni who graduated from a particular school or college.
□ Provide the organizing group with a suggested constitution and helpful program suggestions.
□ When possible, mail an initial letter to all potential members, inviting them to join in the local organizing efforts. Or, supply the group with a set of mailing labels.
□ When possible, send a representative of the Department of Alumni and Constituency Relations or a Regional Vice President to the organizational meeting.
□ Supply other information that the alumni office identifies as helpful in the initial stages of organizing.
Get an official JSU email address?
JSU email addresses with the handle are available for active members of the JSUNAA. Contact the office at 601-979-2281 to set up an account.
Participate in homecoming reunion activities?
Be on the lookout for information in the mail, through email, and keep checking the website for updates.
Get a discount on-campus facilities?
Alumni Chapters get 100% discount on JSU facilities for meetings, not events. Individuals who are current members of the JSUNAA get a 40% on facilities in the JSU Student Center and the Jacob L. Reddix Building.
Pay Alumni Dues?
Local chapter dues vary by chapter. Regular membership dues start at $50.00 and increase with life membership levels. Learn more about the membership levels and benefits here.
Through a local chapter:
The DACR: The Department of Alumni and Constituency Relations
P.O. Box 17280
1400 J R Lynch Street
Jackson, MS 39217
601-979-3701 (f)
Find an alumni chapter in my area?
Visit this link to find a chapter in your area
Submit an update on my accomplishments for Alumni Applause?
Submit an Alumni Applause Form to the DACR.
Receive correspondence from the university like the Jacksonian?
Contact University Communications at 601-979-2272
Find events for football season?
Visit this link for Football Events